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DaVinci boycott

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Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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Am I the only one who can't help but notice the parallels between the Muslims feeling threatened by some cartoons and the Christians feeling threatened by a movie?

Yes, I know, the Catholic church has not issued a fatwa or suggested anyone die for showing the movie. But why do they feel so threatened by it?

IT'S A MOVIE!!! Hell, I heard once that The Wizard of OZ was made up, and even read that the British don't really have "double 0" agents. Get over it, it's just an idea for crying out loud.

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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The christians 2nd move is now to welcome it. Many now are asking for you to see it and then have a discussion about it. This is of course after the few critics that saw it have bashed it as boring. I will be really surprised if this movie does half of what the media is claiming it will, i think they may be basing it on the earnings of "Passion of the Christ". If you remember christians also raised hell when that movie was coming out too, only to change stance and help it become one of the biggest movies ever. I feel the same way though good grief its directed by Ron Howard! haha


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Preferred User said:
and even read that the British don't really have "double 0" agents. Get over it, it's just an idea for crying out loud.

Hah! We want you to believe that.

The movie has created a lot of excitement; it seems people are queuing up for membership to Opus Dei amongst other things. :confused: They should take the short cut and join a sadomasochist society instead. :)

I thought it was only the Catholics who were reacting to it. Which is understandable in a way as it paints a negative picture of the actions and motives behind the Church fathers, and the church is always worried about the ideas that the public get about it, especially when multitudes actually believe the twaddle that Dan Brown has written. There's something about a conspiracy that lends itself to be believed, especially one like the Da Vinci code, which superficially looks as though it integrates the different characters and periods.

Fundamentalist Christians welcomed "Passion of the Christ", in fact most were aware of it before everyone else owing to it being given showings in churches etc well before public release.


Tim Sanchez
Dec 2, 2004
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Duke E. Pyle said:
The christians 2nd move is now to welcome it. Many now are asking for you to see it and then have a discussion about it.
I saw the movie last night and before the movie some guy from a church talked in front of the whole theatre saying people could come talk to him after the movie and discuss it with him.

He acted like a lot of people were gonna want to talk to him about it and be confused but I just saw everyone walk right past him when the movie was over.


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2004
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The massive protests in Ireland!!

(Note this is a stock image from Father Ted where they protest against a film and make it a blockbuster in their parish)


Senior Member
Aug 6, 2004
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While I believe some are taking it a bit far, I do think that Christians have a right to be at least a bit peeved. The movie, and more importantly, the book, are obviously works of fiction. But ignorant people are reading this stuff and thinking that it's all factual. While the Christian church shouldn't really care, they have a right to feel somewhat threatened due to the large media presence and popularity of the book/film. At the very least, the church is entitled to "defend" itself by denying certain aspects of the story. Trust me, I am no church sympathizer so "crusaders" such as the one mbblue mentioned are douchebags for sure.

Personally, I enjoyed the book and wish that they had pushed the envelope with the making of the film. Ron Howard? Come on. This movie looks like such a cookie-cutter presentation that it might as well be called "National Treasure 2."

I'll bet that they didn't even cover the part where Grandpa is gang-banging bitches in the basement.


Tim Sanchez
Dec 2, 2004
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RichieTBaum said:
I'll bet that they didn't even cover the part where Grandpa is gang-banging bitches in the basement.
Actually they did show that part.
The movie stayed true to the book and there wasn't much different but I was a little disappointed with the movie. I expected it to be better.


Senior Member
Jul 26, 2004
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So, is the movie worth seeing/the book worth reading??? Haven't done either and was wondering. Thnx...

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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Gatorman said:
So, is the movie worth seeing/the book worth reading??? Haven't done either and was wondering. Thnx...

I'm in the same boat, i've seen the History channel davinci code, but i haven't read the actual book. Hell i had no idea it was set in modern day, i figured it would be cool if the story was following his life as he came to all these conclusions.

Preferred User

Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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RichieTBaum said:
While I believe some are taking it a bit far, I do think that Christians have a right to be at least a bit peeved. ..ignorant people are reading this stuff and thinking that it's all factual. While the Christian church shouldn't really care, they have a right to feel somewhat threatened due to the large media presence and popularity of the book/film.

Ritchie I agree with some of what you said, but I have a hard time seeing the Christian church as a victim. Remember the Inquisition? As for ignorant people thinking it's factual, it was the ignorant church that was threatened by the radical idea that the earth was round. Want something more modern? Now they think marriage is threatened by gays.

Only weak people feel threatened, and I think the church looks weak every time they are afraid of ideas.

By the way, I see the mimes are protesting too:

The Young One

exp0sed Fantasy Football Champ
Jul 23, 2004
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I didn't see the movie, but i did read the book and i dont see how they can make it as good. My prediction is it wont translate well, altough it could, Ron Howard is talented.


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2005
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RichieTBaum said:
While I believe some are taking it a bit far, I do think that Christians have a right to be at least a bit peeved. The movie, and more importantly, the book, are obviously works of fiction. But ignorant people are reading this stuff and thinking that it's all factual.
It's basically the same with the bible, torah, koran etc. Those contain a lot of fiction as well, written and rewritten hundreds of years after supposed events happened. Many ignorant believers think the content is all factual and don't consider its symbolical and historical context. It's no wonder that sometimes dangerous fundamentalists emerge from those people.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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The fundamentalist is prominent for not understanding historical context, they cannot comprehend that a text, especially a religious text, isn't telling the truth, or that the authors have reason to make things up or be selective because of the context in which the author is writing and the potential motives of the author. Most, if any know nothing beyond the text. They basically don't comprehend that propaganda existed prior to the twentieth century, especially not in the form of their beloved 'holy' books.

I haven't read the book, though i have seen a few of the programmes critical of the basic premise of it, and friends who have read the book have told me of it. I'll probably see the film, solely in the hope of being entertained, than to be enlightened by the supposed links and discoveries purported.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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gatsby said:
It's basically the same with the bible, torah, koran etc. Those contain a lot of fiction as well, written and rewritten hundreds of years after supposed events happened. Many ignorant believers think the content is all factual and don't consider its symbolical and historical context. It's no wonder that sometimes dangerous fundamentalists emerge from those people.

Saw something funny the other day. Sir Ian McKellen (?) was on some show, with other members of the cast, making your point (that the bible is fiction) and Fox News was showing it, over and over, and going through the roof with their scorn for his comments.

What dolts! And whoever believes their claptrap.

Preferred User

Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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Good to see you around Min.

Who believes FOX? The people who want to know who to be afraid of and who to look down on. It seems to be important to be afraid, and then declare war. It's a War on Christmas, a War on Terror, I'll bet O'Reilly will be talking about the War on The Bible next week.

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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If you read yahoo news last week i bet you couldn't sleep. FOX's claim "The most Trusted" was indeed confirmed. It is ranked in the top 5 along with al jazeera as the most trusted news station in the entire world. So are these people wrong or are you just not liking the things you see on FOX? If i mention Hannity and Colmbs all i get is "propaganda". Is the left and right working together to fool the people now? Really the only people making a big deal about the movie is the media. Now if i claim the media is on the left, wouldn't it make sense for the media to make a big deal out of "this" movie?


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2004
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I was hoping this thread was to get people to boycott the film because its based on one of the worst written, piece of crap novels of all time, but I was wrong. Crap.
This movie has apparently already made $30 million in it's first DAY in the US, how stupid are people these days?

Preferred User

Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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I don't know Hannity & Combs Duke. I just know FOX has that O'Reilly on every night, making sure we all know what to be scared of. He's pompous, doesn't give the other side any credit, everything is simple for him and he's positive he's right about everything he says. I don't care how many trust FOX, I don't.


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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Didn't want to start a new thread, so I'll just post my review here.

I just saw The DaVinci Code, and I have to say that I'm mildly disappointed. I won't go as far as to say it was a bad movie, it just wasn't as earth shattering as I had expected. I am glad I didn't waste my time reading that huge book.

Someone who is uneducated in that field of study may have enjoyed the movie more, but I already knew most of the "secrets" that were "revealed". I've read several books on the subject of the Templars, Freemasons, Holy Grail and all that crap, so not much of it was news to me. The only part I didn't recognize was the keystone, but thats probably because it was made up for the movie.

I can DEFINETELY see why the Church is pissed off about it though, because its probably the most blasphemous movie in history. They try to apologize at the end and do sort of a "my bad" kind of thing, but the premise of the movie is basically that Jesus is a hoax. It all comes down to what you personally believe.

I give it 8 out of 14 stages of the cross.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2005
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Preferred User said:
As for ignorant people thinking it's factual, it was the ignorant church that was threatened by the radical idea that the earth was round. Want something more modern? Now they think marriage is threatened by gays.


Wow!! bold statements! First of all, fear of change is a part of human nature. Take for example many haitians who instead of seeing a doctor for their illnesses, they instead see a witch doctor who can cast out their demons. Cultures all over the world are afraid of change, because that is what their culture has taught them. It is not your place to tell people what they believe is wrong (ethnocentrism - look it up). Christians are only 1 of many different cultures in the world that base their beliefs on thousands of years of history. Christians In fact, were considered radicle extremists of their time and their ideas were revolutionary. For you to bring up one example of when the church was afraid of change, and calling them ignorant for it in fact makes you ignorant. As for gay marriage, which is a completely different issue. Christians believe that marriage is a holy institution, therefore to get married under God, you must follow gods rules of marriage (e.g. men not lying with other men etc.). What it sounds like you want is everyone to be totally tolerant of everything. Where is this going to take us??? Others (like yourself i'm sure) want to call christians intolerant but Christians only stand up for what they believe in. If everyone were tolerant of everything, we would have people marrying animals, sibling, offspring, etc. You have to draw the line somewhere. It is not such a bad thing to stand up for what you believe.
The end.