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Environmental Issues


Senior Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Hey Ice,

Take a look at this! Scientists....Scientists no less say another Ice Age is coming!!

And all due to that little thing in the sky that has NO effect on the temperatures on this little here rock.

You said on 1-25-06
Solar activity has little to do with the current increase in temperature. The current rate of increase has been in effect since the late 1970s and it has been consistent, though it is beginning to accelerate now. This would completely reject the notion that sunspots are the cause of this current warming, because the cycle is 11 years. There has not been a decrease in temperature which would reflect sunspot activity ebbs-and-flows.

Maybe you should contact this guy and tell him he's got it all wrong.


Senior Member
Mar 17, 2004
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more proof of global warming... this time, a russian astronomer is predicting a mini ice age due to decreased solar activity... this is clearly definitive proof that mankind is heating up the planet to unacceptable levels... at the urging of karl rove and President Bush...


homeland security should be tied in directly to the military and the federal law enforcement system, not a stand alone entity... that is what law enforcement and the military are for, after all... i am not picking and choosing, i am reading it as is... there are a limited number of things the government is allowed to do... period... dont like it?? there is a process to amend this document..

you can discuss the pros and cons of anything you want, like, say, the speed limits... there are certainly pros and cons available in this argument, but they are all rendered irrelevent by the existance of a LAW that sets the speed limit... it isnt about could, would, or nice, it is about legality... has it occurred to you that the Constitution took so long to write and ratify was that it was carefully considered?? will you deny the existance of a hand in front of your face just because you dont like it??

find the founders who disagree with my words, and this will be a much more productive discussion, as it all goes back to them...

this constitutionality argument belongs in another thread...

Preferred User

Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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cableguy said:
find the founders who disagree with my words, and this will be a much more productive discussion, as it all goes back to them...

I don't agree with you at all Cable, but I don't wanna fight with you. You live near me and I need cable. I can live w/o the TV, but gotta have my cable modem.


Senior Member
Mar 17, 2004
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preferred, believe me when i say that no matter what you think, and what i feel about what you think, it in no way affects the way i do my job... your cable tv and internet are perfectly safe... i socialize regularly with several folks who dont agree with me on too many political things... we just dont generally discuss politics... problem solved...

mindido, it is now a global cooling problem again...


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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I'm not sure whats so funny about that. Bottled water really is pretty much of a scam. But it does make a point of something that Ice has been trying to make for quite a while:

""At as much as 2.50 dollars per liter (10 dollars per gallon), bottled water costs more than gasoline," the study says."


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2004
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Hmmm... so the climate isn't changing, right?

"NEW YORK: The amount of ice flowing into the sea from large glaciers in southern Greenland has almost doubled in the past 10 years, which may require scientists to increase estimates of how much seas could rise under the influence of global warming, according to a study to be published Friday in the journal Science.
The authors said there was evidence that the increase in flows would soon spread to glaciers farther north on the vast island, which is covered with an ancient ice sheet nearly two miles, or three kilometers, high in places. The ice sheet holds enough water to raise global sea levels more than 20 feet, or 6 meters, should it all flow into the ocean."

But the scientists involved have clearly stated they can't say whether or not it's a result of global warming due to man's action. So, maybe it really IS just the natural state of things..... (but I doubt it).


Senior Member
Mar 17, 2004
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endy, those so called scientists should be immediately removed from the scientific community, and have their scientist licences revoked... they obviously dont care to abide by the "it is mans fault, especially the USA" rule... shame upon them!!!!

has anyone here answered the burning question of who caused the global warming cycle before this one?? or who caused the last couple ice ages??? and for that matter, if we are actually warming or cooling?? there is such disarray in this field, and it could all be simply solved by all sides admitting what we all know to be true: WE SIMPLY DONT KNOW AT THIS TIME...


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Hey Ice,

I think that report may be a bit too complex for some people. Is there a comic book version? :)

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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1st day of spring and my place is getting beat up by sleet and hail. Many folks have a foot of snow. I don't know who's madder, me or the global warming freaks! I guess it makes the spring breakers more safe, i hear sharks can't bite if they are incased in an ice cube.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Well, something that has been predicted by oceanographers, if global warming is accurate, has happened.


Caribbean coral reefs have just suffered the largest die off scientists have ever seen. One interesting quote:

"The prognosis is not good," said biochemistry professor M. James Crabbe of the University of Luton near London. In early April, he will investigate coral reef mortality in Jamaica. "If you want to see a coral reef, go now, because they just won't survive in their current state."

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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Everyone who has ever posted or read in this thread needs to see Penn and Tellers "Bullshit" episode on the environment. It totally sums up everything about what we have spoken on here. The man who created Green Peace is in it and tells how he left the biggest force in existance for the environmental "push" because of the lies and politics that ruined it. This episode is exactly how i see the world today. Some interesting things in it were the scientific lies and how money has found its way into politicians pockets while leaving upper class white people dumb on the issues. 1998 was the hottest year on record, there is the same amount of forrest in the US today as there was 100 years ago and how scientists count on the publics robotic attitude towards the safety of the planet. You have to see it. It's how it is not how you want it to be.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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I finally have some time to respond to this.

Duke E. Pyle said:
Everyone who has ever posted or read in this thread needs to see Penn and Tellers "Bullshit" episode on the environment. It totally sums up everything about what we have spoken on here.

Duke, I haven't seen the episode you mention, but I'd be careful about quoting comedians. In a scientific discussion, they're not exactly the best references. Also, the info you mention, seems a bit dated (you may want to check the date on the episode). According to this site:


1998 and 2005 are neck to neck for the record. You should also notice which years are the warmest. They're ALL within the last 20 years.

there is the same amount of forrest in the US today as there was 100 years ago

This is a smokescreen and something I know quite a bit about. Forests do occupy about the same amout of acreage as a hundred years ago but the "quality"of the forests is considerably different. "Old Growth" forests are virtually extinct. The only old growth forests remaining in the US are in the pacific northwest and a small Indian reservation (Menominee) in Wisconsin.

Biodiversity in an "old growth" forest is significantly different than in a young forest (which virtually all of our forests are today} as most are owned by governments or paper companies. The species an "old growth" forest supports is far different than that of a young forest. If you don't believe me, do some research on the "cutover" of the late 1800's and the early 1900's. Look at the photos of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and many other states. A tree today rarely makes a diameter of 2 or 3 ft. while pre "cutover" trees were usually over 4 to 20 ft. in diameter.

So be very careful of quoting comedians in a scientific discussion. They really don't know what they're talking about.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2004
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Hey Min,
Does that mean Jon Stewart and Al Franken are out of the politics thread? They're half the fun!

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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I'm not quoting the comedians, i'm quoting the scientists on their show. If you've seen the show then you know they take top experts on both sides of a subject. Just watch it if you get the chance. And yes a few of the last 20 years have been almost half a degree warmer, we know this.