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Wrestling 2005


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2004
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Hogan has four bulging discs in his lower back.He has been trying to work around it.Nobody knows if he will take time off or not.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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My guess is that he will take time out untill right before wrestlemania (Which is when i heard season 2 of Hogan knows best will debut). he might have surgery after wrestlemania

If you guys could see Hogan in any dream match at wrestlemania what would it be? I would have to take Hogan vs. Austin (If steve can still wrestle).

What other big matches are even left? I'd love to see HBK vs. Hart, I doubt that would ever happen, and HBK would HAVE to job again, but my God that would be cool if he won. What if they screwed Bret again? haha

Sting vs. the rock?

Sting vs. hbk? That might actually be a good match.

Hart vs. angle. Bret has actually expressed mild interest in this.

What else?


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2004
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I'm tired of Hogan. He's just too old and worn out to do any 'dream match' i can
think of!! Hogan vs. Austin shouldn't happen because Austin wouldn't want to lose
to Hogan- nor should he!!

Anyways, my dream matches:
HBK vs. The Rock
Austin vs. Eddie Guerrero (they almost had one but it was dropped!)
Sting vs. HBK (it could be good if Sting is in shape!)
Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Triple H
Ricky Steamboat vs. Ric Flair (on more time!!)
Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero (three-way dance)



Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
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nekkid said:
Call me biased, so I'll admit that Michaels is my favorite wrestler. But I also believe he is the best.

LMAO! Sorry thats your favorite wrestler, but he is no Kurt Angle, now he is the best. As for Hogan he is king. I know he is old and tired, but without him none of this would be, and everyone knows that, so I got his back to the end. Hogan now pays people to lace his boots. Personally I wish he would retire. As for Micheals, what a paper champion. He carried the buisness when no one was there. He beat Vader, lol Vader! Another Joke. He cried for 5 years about his back and then he came back and only showed at ppv's for a lil time (still the back issue I guess), at least Hogan never cried over injuries, and he still shows up for work. As good as Micheals was, he best match was about a couple of months ago against Shelton Benjamin and Shelton carried that match. All Micheals had was Charisma and the you screwed Bret story, oh yeah, he also had to cheat to win that title!


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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"As for Micheals, what a paper champion. He carried the buisness when no one was there. He beat Vader, lol Vader! Another Joke. He cried for 5 years about his back and then he came back and only showed at ppv's for a lil time (still the back issue I guess), at least Hogan never cried over injuries, and he still shows up for work."

Please tell me this is a joke..

NObody was there? Are you kidding only some of the best names in wrestling history..

The Undertaker
Bret Hart
MIck Foley
Kevin Nash
Scott Hall
Owen Hart
Steve Austin
Ric Flair
And Yes Vader...

Where is the weakness in that roster?

Crying about an injury? Are you talking about when he lost his smile? Umm.. storyline maybe? Did Steve Austin whine about Owen dropping him on his neck for months? no.. storyline. Michaels had a surgery that almost no athlete has ever come back from and is just as good as he ever was.

MIchaels worked almost his whole career hurt.

Paper champ? you have got to be kidding... He changed the business forever. He MADE the ladder matrch. He MADE hell in a cell. Sure, with the TLC matches and Foley's hell in the Cell overtopping it you could make an arguement but Michaels started it.

HBK is even part of one of the best tag teams ever wwith the rocker's.

He helped propell one of the biggest stars in the history of wrestling to his greatest heights in Steve Austin at 'mania 14.

"he is no Kurt Angle, now he is the best"

I love Angle, he is definately one of the best. However Michaels can do everything that he can do and more. Angle has taken risks (moonsalt off the top of a steel cage" but michaels fell of the cage through a table at the first hell in a cell. Angle does nothing off the top rope (an occasional moonsault that he won't do anymore because of INJURIES). Michaels is arguably the best on the mic, angle is good to average at best on the mic.

"As good as Micheals was, he best match was about a couple of months ago against Shelton Benjamin and Shelton carried that match. All Micheals had was Charisma and the you screwed Bret story, oh yeah, he also had to cheat to win that title! "

This is flat out laughable. You obviously don't know wrestling.

I don't even know where to begin. His best match? HA. Michaels has had 10-12 matches better than that in his career. The 2 matches I named earlier might be two of the best matches of all time. Even Bob Ryder at 1wrestling.com will tell you that the first ladder match with Razor might be the best overall match ever and he worked for WCW!

Shelton carried the match? Thats too laughable to comment.

Cheat to win? umm.. again storyline. EVERY wrestler has cheated to win. If they are a heel, then they cheat to win. Angle hasn't cheated? The "king" as you put it Hogan never cheated? c'mon. and HBK did defeat HArt in the iron man match fair and square at wrestlemania just for the record. Yes that match had to go into overtime but that was Gorilla Monsoon's call the commisioner at the time.

When did HBK only wrestle PPV's?

I know no matter what I write you are not going to agree but here is a list of people who all at one time or another have said michaels was/is the best..

MIck Foley
Ric Flair
Kevin Nash
Jim Ross (who is the biggest Steve Austin supporter ever)
even Bret Hart


Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
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I would reply, but your shit is to long to read, uhhh...okay Micheals was better, you win.

Here's Hogans list:

Iron Shiek
Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorf
Big John Studd
George the Animal Steele
Greg Valentine
Don Muraco
Ken Patera
Roddy Piper
Cowboy Bob Orton
Nikolai Volkoff
King Kong Bundy
Randy Savage
Terry Funk
Harley Race
Rick Rude
Mr. Perfect
Sgt Slaughter
The Undertaker
Ric Flair
Lex Luger
The Giant (big show)
Kevin Nash
Sid Vicious
Triple H
Kurt Angle
Mr. McMahon
Shawn Micheals

You line'em up, and Hogan knocks'em down. Those are people he beat, not to mention all the ones he wrestled, like The Rock, Brock Lesner, Goldberg and Sting.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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Of course Hogan has wrestled more people than HBK he has been around for 350 years!!


Staff Alumn
Feb 15, 2004
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I look forward to the days when Hogan is a distant memory however I feel that I will also be a distant memory as well. Yes Hogan will always be remembered but he only wins today because of what he did a million trillion years ago. Hogan your gone now please dont come back...oh but if you HHH in your travels could you point him towards the WWE again cause they need him bad!!

Angle is the Best!!
HBK is still the showstopper!!
Cena is a kid!
JBL is a bore!
Orton 'could' be the future!
'Taker is getting old!
Hogan is old!


war on drugs veteran
Oct 30, 2004
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Does Ken Keneddy remind anyone else of Matt Damon from Team America? MATT DAMON! Keneddy Kennedy!


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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isn't that kind of obvious? i figured it was after they had the PPV.


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2004
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Re: WWE bringing back the ECW brand-

In addition to remaining unconfirmed by other sources, this
rumor comes at a very odd time. It had been recently reported
that WWE was not planning to utilize the ECW brand for anything
other than an annual PPV. While solid, the ECW PPV's buyrate was
hardly better than the average brand-only PPV, which likely came
as a disillusionment to those hoping it would do record numbers.
Both DVDs performed rather well, however.

For those who haven't heard, WWE has made it clear that the team
formerly known as The Dudley Boyz are not allowed to use the name
outside of the company. WWE executives have sent legal letters to
everyone using the “Dudley” name to advertise, telling them to stop.

Bubba and D-Von worked as Team 3D at the Wrestle Reunion 2 show.
It should be noted that when the pair left ECW for WWE six years ago,
Paul Heyman told them that he was giving the team the exclusive
rights to the “Dudley” name because of all they had done for the
company. Apparently Heyman forgot to file the paper work and
WWE ended up retaining the rights to the Dudley names preventing
the names being used outside of a WWE ring.



Senior Member
Jan 21, 2004
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WWE has signed Vader to a Legend deal.Trish may be back tonight.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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As much as I would like to see ECW back. It probably won't, and if it did it would be a WWE'ized version and would never be the same.


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2004
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Yeah, i feel the same way about it-- Vince wouldn't stand for a promotion
he didn't create being better than his own. ECW would have to be 'watered down'
to make WWE look good. i'd rather see annual PPVs like ECW's One Night Stand

BTW, During RAW, Spike TV aired a commercial promoting the start of TNA Impact
in October. There is another month to promote the show on Raw, which is an unprecedented
case of a competing national promotion being promoted during another promotion's
show by the station it's currently on.

TNA Impact on Spike TV will begin Oct. 1 at 11 p.m. saturday nights.



Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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Yeah Chuck even Paul Heyman said that ECW was the right promotion at the right time. He compared it to Nirvana coming out at the right time as a new option to all the "hair" metal at the time. If Nirvana came out again it would have the same effect because it would be as new and exciting.

I read that WWE was not happy about the TNA commercials (although the workers were thrilled). Spike TV said that they went with the commercials because USA had been airing commercials for a new WWE show (I don't know what that is all about). Should be very interesting what WWE does. Two wrestling shows same channel?

Its great for TNA, they need all the exposure they can get, but if I was WWE I would get the hell outta there. It looks like they might be going back to USA anyway with a much worse deal than they got in the late '90's.

How about SMACKDOWN! on fridays? That is gonna blow, I think they desperately need to do something with that show. All the cool shit happens on RAW. Why dont they have a smackdown diva search? They had 2 on raw.Everytime a star like hogan or piper comes back its always on RAW...


Koalas & Kangaroos kill people
Staff Alumn
Mar 9, 2004
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Ultimo Dragon's in talks with TNA.... They wanted him to go 1 on 1 with Christopher Daniels a couple of times but Ultimo's Japan schedule didn't allow it..


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2004
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Actually nekkid WWE Raw is moving to the USA network in October.
That's the commercials that Spike TV is referring to. No 'new' as much
as a change of networks for the WWE. They are losing two hours of
weekend programming but that's not a big deal for now.

Starting October 1st, 2005, the wrestling landscape will change. WWE
is hoping for the return to great rating on USA like they had a few years
back. Reports have mentioned the USA debut may feature the return of Triple H
but I’d imagine WWE would want to take it a little further than that. Whether
it involves Mick Foley, Steve Austin, Vince McMahon, or whoever else,
i certainly expect the transition to USA to be very exciting, at least for
the short term.

The Friday night debut of Smackdown is scheduled have Batista vs. JBL
and Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio in a steel cage. Hopefully they find
a way to making Smackdown a 'can't-miss' program.

That leads directly to TNA, as taking chances is vital come October 1st. That show will
be the most important in TNA history. For TNA to attract new fans on Spike TV, they’ll
have to consistently air fantastic programming and use word of mouth to attract viewers.

Hopefully this will kick start a new wrestling rivalry like when WCW was around.



Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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I hope you are right. I'd love monday night wars 2! Hopefully sooner than later TNA moves to monday nights instead of saturday nights. Saturday is worse than friday (smackdown). I hope TNA gets some kind of strong financial backing though otherwise WWE stars will just use them as leverage for WWE contracts.

TNA should "call out" or shoot on WWE in these commercials in my opinion just to start a buzz. Does Jeff Jarett's dad still own TNA?


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2004
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Total Nonstop Action (NWA-TNA) isn't owned by the Jarretts anymore.
Dixie Carter, President of TNA Entertainment, LLC, runs the promotion.

TNA Entertainment, LLC is a privately held company headquartered in
Nashville, TN. Strong financial backing isn't a problem for TNA, it's just
been getting a national tv timeslot which they now have with Spike TV.

i'm sure if TNA does good on Saturdays Spilke will consider moving the
program to Monday nights. For the sake of good competition i really hope
that happens!!!
