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NFL (Pats Still Rule)


Supreme Jackass
Dec 5, 2003
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I'm snipping out the parts I don't have/need responses for, just because I'm too lazy to keep going back and putting the quotes code. :)

hodgepodge said:
Stingray said:
Crumper....700 yards, 6 TDs, right? Bubba Franks, 7 TDs on the season, Antonio Gates, 900 yards, 13 TDs on the season, Tony gonzales, 1000+, 7 TDs on the season, Todd Heap--who played those whole 6 games--300+ yards, 3 TDs on the season, hell...Doug Jolley, with Oakland--who's opponents caught more passes than their recievers did--managed over 300 yards, almost 12 per carry, and 2 TDs. 700 & 6 doesn't make him a great player, it makes him a good Falcon.

I never said he was the best TE or a "great" player but he is pretty damn good. If you factor in how little passing yards the Falcons average per game (#30 in the NFL with only 168.2 yards per game) his numbers seem more impressive

(and not to nitpick or anything but you should have rounded to 800 instead of 700 since it was 774).

Something you cannot measure is how much better of a blocking TE Crumpler is than Gonzalez or Gates.

Replies in order of the above:

I'm not denying he's done well with Atlanta. But I don't see him doing anywhere CLOSE to that with any other team.

Yeah, I should've rounded up...I read it wrong as 724 rather than 774.

That one I'll give ya. Crumpler IS a strong blocking TE. But even compared to other blocking & recieving TE's, it's an iffy race. Again, you've got the Heap's & Jolleys, one only played 6 games & put up comparitive numbers, the other played on one of the league's worst offenses this season, and halved Crumpler's numbers...(Heap's not all that great either imo....Jolley does impress me a bit though. He moves REALLY well for his size...)


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2004
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The Young One said:
Im not denying the Pats D anything, but right now with all the injuries I have to say the Steelers D is better.

In my opinion the defenses are close but I think the Pats have a much better offense and some things will be overlooked such as Tom Brady's 7-0 record, the fact that the Pats had only 6 rushing yards in 5 attempts last time they played the Steelers but of course they were missing Corey Dillion, and Bellichick's ability with the X's and O's to always come up with a great gameplan and win the game. I think it will be a good game but I expect the same result as 2 years ago. Just my opinion though.

An interesting stat for you to chew on: When Bellicheck faces a QB twice in one season he is 13-0 in the second game since 2001. Uh-oh Steeler fans...
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War Rules

hodgepodge said:
An interesting stat for you to chew on: When Bellicheck faces a QB twice in the regular season he is 5-8 the first game, 13-0 the second. Uh-oh Steeler fans...
HA! Great stat. God I love Bellicheck. Depleted secondary my ass... we've been winning without them all season.

The Young One

exp0sed Fantasy Football Champ
Jul 23, 2004
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Another interesting stat, The last away playoff game Tom Brady has played in would be the AFC Championship game of 2001, against none other than the Pittsburg Steelers. The Pats would go on to win the game.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2004
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another stat: In AFC Championship games played at home, Bill Cowher is 0-3...


Registered User
Nov 29, 2004
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Brady has been a proven winner since college when he took Michigan to the Orange Bowl against a very good Alabama team. He then was overlooked in the draft since he wasn't a prototypical 6'4 245 pound quarterback with a cannon arm. He is simply the closest thing the game has to Joe Montana, right now. He isn't the most physically gifted, he simply goes out and wins games by not making mistakes. He utilizes the players around him and is a very smart quarterback. That's won him two SB's already and could easily win him a third this season


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2003
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As a person that lives in new England.... the pats are gunna go all the way like they did last year. come on they shut manning out man..... and "manning is unstoppable" u mean over rated...... Brady on the other hand no one pays attention 2 him bad idea....u should be watching brady not manning and Rosterberger or however u spell his fuckin name...... rookie thats all i gotta say


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
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For the record, Gonzalez IS a pretty good blocker, but he is not for blocking, he is more for recieving. That is why we have Jason Dunn. Crumpler is the third TE right now, behind Gonzalez(#1) and Gates(#2). Heap will be good when he gets fully healthy and Boller becomes a better QB, which will happen.

As to Brady, I think he is one of the best QB's out there. He may not put up the best stats, like Manning, Culpepper, Green(Check his stats for this year), and and even McNabb. Out of all those, there is one Super Bowl ring, which Green earned in 1999 on the bench with STL when he hurt his knee.

Brady is a QB who gets it done in the clutch, especially since he is always being picked against. I do have to raise this question, will he still be himslef when Weis leaves? And, will the D stay the same when Crennel leaves? Just my view on the subject.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2004
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KABOOM said:
For the record, Gonzalez IS a pretty good blocker, but he is not for blocking, he is more for recieving. That is why we have Jason Dunn.

Manning, Culpepper, Green

Yeah he is so good at blocking they brought in someone else to do it for him... And he is not as good a blocker as Gates or Crumpler. As for your list, though he has only had one big year mine goes Gates #1, Gonzalez #2, Crumpler #3 because Gates appears to be a better all-around player than Gonzalez.

And throwing in Green... you are such a homer! ;)


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
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Look at his stats, I may be a homer, but don't say he wasn't good this year, or even last year.


Respected Member
Oct 15, 2004
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And he ( Gonzales) will be even better(faster) next year, because of finally getting the sugery done on his foot.


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
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hodgepodge said:
though he has only had one big year mine goes Gates #1, Gonzalez #2, Crumpler #3 because Gates appears to be a better all-around player than Gonzalez.

We'll see in a couple seasons, Just because you are good one year doesn't mean you will always be good. He is a good TE, from what we(the public) has seen of him. Could you also define "all-around player" for me?


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2004
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KABOOM said:
We'll see in a couple seasons, Just because you are good one year doesn't mean you will always be good. He is a good TE, from what we(the public) has seen of him. Could you also define "all-around player" for me?

i completely agree i was just saying if i was to start a franchise or something... and i wasnt dissing green, he puts up big numbers and doesnt get a lot of credit for it (by the way... I HATE the chiefs, just felt like mentioning it...). Green is a quality QB and Gonzalez is a quality TE, both very good players and if I came off as trying to say otherwise, I apologize....

An all-around player is prett self-explanatory but here goes:

An all-around player is somebody who can do all aspects of the game well. A RB who can run for speed, power and catch, a WR who can catch and block, a TE who can catch and block. They have the ability to do anything the coach needs them to and they are effective in completing the task. Hope that helped...

and you're still a homer ;)
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Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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put yer bucks on the soon to be superbowl winners- the detroit lions- er some time in the 21 century atleast- barry sanders come back we need you
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I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
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Eagles won 27-10 against the Falcons. They are off to the Superbowl.
Patriots are winning 24-3 against the Steelers withe about 2:00 left in the second quarter.

EAGLES vs. PATRIOTS in the Superbowl

My pick, Eagles win by one point, with a David Akers 59 yard field goal that was almost blocked, that came with a penalty by Rodney Harrison for roughing the passer.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2004
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Hehe, nice pick.

Looks like the AFC Champ.'s about over, so I'll go ahead and make my prediction. I have picked against the Patriots in every single playoff game they've been in the last 4 years. I am 0-9. I am picking the Patriots in the Super Bowl. I can't take it anymore.


I Love Lamp
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
bravoman said:
Hehe, nice pick.

Looks like the AFC Champ.'s about over, so I'll go ahead and make my prediction. I have picked against the Patriots in every single playoff game they've been in the last 4 years. I am 0-9. I am picking the Patriots in the Super Bowl. I can't take it anymore.

OK, here's to Bravo keeping his streak alive 0-10. E-A-G-L-E-S!!!!!!



Supreme Jackass
Dec 5, 2003
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Man...what a lousy championship weekend.

I'm glad Philly FINALLY won...it was nice to see Andy Reid crack a grin for once. New England...eh. Ya know...okay, remember those couple years the Packers went in a row? I'm a Packer fan, (More of a Raider fan, but I've always pulled for Green Bay in their conference) and enjoyed it. But when year three came 'round, and they didn't go, I was partially bummed out & partially glad to see at least one new team go. I'm kinda feeling that way now. New England's going again. cool. Fine. But truth be told, I'd rather see two teams there that haven't been there for the past few years.

And the games themselves....dear god. Atlanta just got hammered play after play after play. It was embarassing for me, and I've never been much of a Falcons supporter. And Pittsburgh just played like shit. It wasn't bad hands, like the Jets game, or bad throws. It wasn't missed tackles or poor coverage. It wasn't even special teams. It was ALL OF IT. They just went out there and played like crap. At least, in the quarter & 1/2 that I watched. I looked over at a buddy that came over to watch the game on Pitts.' 3rd drive and said "If they don't score a TD here, it's over."

They didn't. And boy was it ever over.

Oddly enough, I made almost the EXACT same call in the Bucs/Raiders 'bowl. On Oakland's 3rd possession, when they failed to convert on 3rd, I got up & left the room. Everyone was like...hey, where ya goin'? And I told 'em then...they had to make that one. Game's already over.

Guess I'm psychic sometimes or something.

Anyhow...onward to Jacksonville and Superbowl 39. My pick? As much as I really do hate to say it...New England. I'd like to say it'll be a close game, but realistically, I don't think it will be.

See...in the playoffs this year, the Eagles didn't really have to worry about a ton of different things in their games. The Vikings are a passing team. Culpepper runs when he has to, but 90% of the time, they're a passing team. So all they had to do was watch the pass. Against the Falcons, it was just the opposite. They're a running team. Stop Vick & Dunn, and the game's over. They did, but didn't really need to worry about the pass.

Now theyve got New England. Cory Dillion & Tom Brady. (It still cracks me up that this team gets away with the "we don't have any stars" catch phrase....they've got plenty of stars. Dillon, Faulk, Brady, Law, and dammit...i had like 2 more, but they've sl...oh, Branch...and I forgot the other one.) Great rusher, consistent passer. Not strong, because...well, while he CAN get the ball down feild, Brady's better in short/medium yardage.

And frankly, as good as Philly's defense is, I don't think they can manage both ways. Not because they're not good enough, but because they don't have the practice doing it. Look around the NFC, any teams really stand out as being good with passing AND running, aside from Philly & Green Bay? I can't think of any. But New England can. And that's gonna hurt 'em.

Also, Philly's offense...even if TO can return, is going up against a defense that's had to play--quite obviously--the best offenses in the league. Not only in reg. season, but post-season. And they've managed that with a beat-up secondary (which really does impress the shit outta me). They held off Manning without breaking a sweat, and didn't let Big Ben, the Bus, & Duce do much against them today...surprising, as Pittsburgh was the highest scoring first half offense in the league all season, yet only managed 3 pts in the half. That says a lot. Not just about how poorly the Steelers played either.

So yes, sadly, in the end, New England goes home with World Title #3. And I don't think they'll have too difficult a time doing it, either.


exp0sed samurai
Staff Alumn
Apr 5, 2004
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How many times am I gonna have to post this crap before people start getting the picture........


Hear that? It's called a bandwagon. All aboard.



Senior Member
Aug 12, 2004
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My bandwagon is stationary. It resides in Denver and that is where it will always stay. Go Broncos, good luck in 05!

SB pick: New England by far.

woo woo