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War In Iraq/Terrorists


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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I heard something about that recently so thanks for the link. I agree, if that is accurate, this administration is way out of control.


The Gunhand
Staff Alumn
Aug 30, 2004
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The scum bag Zarqawi is dead, hopefully they take pictures of him with a ham hat. I hope he enjoys his 72 camel virgins.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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ham hat???

It will be interesting to see if things start to calm down a bit there.


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2004
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From the footage of the FBI taking some "DNA" to their labs - I'm guessing pieces of the dead fucker - that slab of pork would be perfectly barbecued too. Mmm..... crispy.
Nothing like some big-ass bombs when you know where to put them.


Registered User
Jun 8, 2006
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hi everyone just gotta say ive served in iraq an its a shithole an i hope all them iraqi motherfukers die thx

Preferred User

Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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Texan said:
I hope he enjoys his 72 camel virgins.

I like W.C. Fields' definition of a virgin:

Small girl, about six years old...
very ugly.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Texan said:
Ham Hat=Big fat slab of pork placed on top of his head

Hmmm, ham hat....... Still don't get it.......... Why would??????? OK, must be some Texas thing.


The Gunhand
Staff Alumn
Aug 30, 2004
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mindido said:
Hmmm, ham hat....... Still don't get it.......... Why would??????? OK, must be some Texas thing.

What animal does the muslim faith consider filthy? Thats right, swine.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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A milestone (of sorts) in Iraq. According to the US military, as of this date, we now have:

2,500 U.S. military dead.
18,490 U.S. troops have been wounded since March 2003.
Tens of thousands of Iraqi's dead.
Who knows how many wounded.


Finally, the killing of Zarquawi doesn't seem to have made much of a difference.


The Gunhand
Staff Alumn
Aug 30, 2004
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The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson


The Gunhand
Staff Alumn
Aug 30, 2004
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MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C., Feb. 22, 2004 – In the early morning hours of April 9, 2004, a Marine sniper and his spotter crawled on top of an abandoned oil storage tank in Lutafiyah, Iraq. Their mission was routine, as they covered their squad's patrol movement through the small town during the Arbaeen pilgrimage. But it became a mission that will go down in the annals of Marine Corps history.

Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Steve Reichert, a 25-year-old scout sniper with Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, was recently awarded the Bronze Star with a combat 'V' for valorous action in Iraq in April. Marine Corps photo
(Click photo for screen-resolution image); high-resolution image available.

Staff Sgt. Steve Reichert, a 25-year-old scout sniper with Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, was recently awarded one of the Corps' top medals, the Bronze Star with a combat 'V' for valorous action, for his actions that day.

During this particular mission atop the oil tank, Reichert settled himself in a very exposed position -- though he was able to prop up a few steel plates on some sand bags. He and his spotter occupied that position knowing they were extremely vulnerable to enemy fire.

"I didn't really think about it at the time," said Reichert. "But when we heard the (.50-caliber) rounds impacting the oil tank, we took what little cover there was."

As the patrol moved toward the town, Reichert observed a dead animal located in the patrol's path. It was then when he recalled his training in enemy tactics, techniques and procedures for improvised explosive devices and made radio contact to redirect the patrol. The patrol leader radioed back to Reichert and confirmed his suspicion that two wires were leading out of the dog carcass.

"We encountered IEDs daily," said Reichert. "The IED that the squad came up on was in a dead animal, and with my spotting scope I could see the slight reflection of the wires coming out of the animal."

But despite the squad's preventive measures, a routine situation turned treacherous. Arocket-propelled grenade was fired at the Marine patrol, and seconds later enemy machine-gun and small-arms fire pinned them down, according to Reichert. The Marines couldn't effectively engage the enemy machine gunner on the rooftop of a nearby building, so they radioed to Reichert on the oil storage tank. He took one shot and missed, then made the proper wind and elevation calculations to make his mark. A moment and a trigger pull later, Reichert took out the gunner.

In the after-action report, the platoon leader made a remarkable account: that Reichert made the shot from 1,614 meters – about a mile away. His accuracy was the deciding factor in the outcome of the firefight.

Soon after, a few insurgents began to climb a set of stairs on the backside of the building where the firefight was taking place. Reichert aimed into the brick wall where he thought the men were and fired. All three of the men dropped. Reichert's armor-piercing round penetrated the wall and killed one man -- possibly wounding the other two with bullet and brick fragmentation.

"I could see that two Marines got separated (from the platoon) and saw that a small group of insurgents were maneuvering into position to ambush the Marines. Once they stopped moving I shot one; the other two ran."

Reichert looks back at his mission as a learning experience – not only for him, but also for others who follow in his footsteps. "I've learned a few lessons in life that I think helped me along the way," said Reichert. "Never quit, no matter how tough life can get."

(Marine Sgt. Stephen D'Alessio is a 2nd Marine Division combat correspondent.)

...brings a tear to my eye...Damn fine


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Texan said:
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson


I think Jefferson was talking about wars that actually mean something. Not wars for big oil companies.


The Gunhand
Staff Alumn
Aug 30, 2004
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mindido said:

I think Jefferson was talking about wars that actually mean something. Not wars for big oil companies.

Damn I forgot that we went to war for oil. I just love that Iraqi oil.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Texan said:
Damn I forgot that we went to war for oil. I just love that Iraqi oil.


We're sure getting a lot of it. Aren't we? They fix em up and the insurgents blow em up again. Turning into a real vicious cycle.


Senior Member
May 14, 2006
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Iraq posed no threat to the US or any other country for that matter. They had no Weapons of mass destruction, because they used them all up years ago. The weapons they did have were given to them by us, the united states. Bush had his own reason for going in there, and he sure as hell wont tell anyone the truth. Not the mention the official reason they put out changed 3 or 4 times.

I was behind him in afghan, but the iraq war is so full of shit its ridiculous. Even crazier, we have North Korea pop up and say they have Nuclear weapons, yet bush ignores them and goes after the country that probally doesnt have them. Which appears to the rest of the world that he would rather play hide and seek.

Its also idiotic to think that saddam had ties with osama and the taliban. Saddam and Osama hate each other. Saddam also was trying to get rid of the taliban. Saddam could of been our greatest ally against osama and the taliban, but Bush's personally grudge against saddam would never allow such an alliance to happen, even if it meant wiping out the taliban and killing/capturing osama.

This war has killed more innocent people in iraq than saddam has in the past decade, and thats pretty sad.

Does saddam deserve to be punished for what he has done in the past? your damn right he does. If i saw him, i would would kill him myself. But now wasnt the time to go after his ass. 10 years ago was the time. And the sad part about that is we could of killed him 10 years ago. We had a sniper during the first gulf war that had saddam in his crosshairs, yet he was ordered not to shoot.

I dont know the real reason why we went into iraq, and honestly, i dont think we will ever know for sure in our lifetime. But i can tell you it wasnt because of WMD's, and it wasnt for freeing the iraqi people, or
for any possible connection between osama and saddam. but now that were in too deep, we cant pull out now. If we left now, iraqs new "democracy" would crumble and we would have to deal with a new iraq 5 times more dangerious than saddam has ever been.

Its sad all those soldiers and civilians died because of this. All those children in iraq killed because of this, all those 18 year olds whos lifes where cut short, who just got out of highschool and joined the military. And many more will die. The truth is, we wont be out of there anytime soon. At least 5 years we will be in there. We still have people in South Korea, and even though no fighting is going on there, there is always that fear if we did leave, north korea would invade and take over. The same will happen if we leave iraq.

We are dealing with people who dont care for human life. They are brainwashed to think america and all of its allies are evil, and if they blow themselfs up to kill as many people as they can, they will be met in heaven with 70-odd virgins. Which if you think about it, it goes against what there religion teaches, infact, what all religion teaches. Every single religion states that killing is a sin and is wrong. but they have been brainwashed since they were little kids. From as long as they remember, they have been told that America is evil and to praise and grow up to be suicide bombers. They even tell them this in schools, and have pictures of suicide bombers in the classrooms. I wish this didnt have to happen, i wish people didnt have to die because of both sides war. i wish this could be resolved peacefully, but it wont happen.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Now that was pretty darn good, I had a few chuckles from it. Glad to see those guys still have a sense of humor. Thanks for the link.


Welcome! Glad you joined the discussion. The only problem is that its kind of died recently, seemingly even the conservatives around here are having second thoughts (following a national trend I guess). Really, the only questions remaining are how long before we leave with our tail between our legs and how many more soldiers are dead before we leave.


Senior Member
May 14, 2006
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Thats funny stu, great find. Hell, its even better than half the crap on MTV.

Thanks for welcome Mindido. Honestly, i havnt read this entire thread, just too much to read this late at night. Just thought id post my feelings and some facts about the war.

The soldiers over there need to keep a sense of humor, or they will go crazy. Bombs always going off, the fear that you can be ambushed at anytime, landmines, and what i would be afraid of the most...those huge ass camel spiders. My dad was in the first gulf war, and saw a few of those spiders. And although he wasnt really in all that much danger on the airforce base down in saudi arabia, there is always that general fear.