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Wrestling 2005


Staff Alumn
Feb 15, 2004
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Lesnar kinda disappeared. I know at one point he was IPW Campion and was wrestling in Japan theres talk of him and Kurt Angle doing an MMA match but money can't be desided apon. As for big gys look at for Dan Rodman was once know as Daniel Rodimer in tough enoug has been in training since looks to be very high on the radar as far as new stars go.


war on drugs veteran
Oct 30, 2004
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But in MMA you have to be a "jack of all trades". Your never going to get anywhere with just one style.


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2004
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The plan is for HHH to return to WWE at the August 13th Raw
from Madison Square Garden in NYC.

WWE is heavily considering brining back Sean Waltman(X-Pac).
Sources say he has been clean for several months, he is healthy and
been wrestling a lot in Mexico and California and he is still in his early
to mid-30's.


Supreme Jackass
Dec 5, 2003
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The plan is for HHH to return to WWE at the August 13th Raw
from Madison Square Garden in NYC.

WWE is heavily considering brining back Sean Waltman(X-Pac).
Sources say he has been clean for several months, he is healthy and
been wrestling a lot in Mexico and California and he is still in his early
to mid-30's.

last time I saw him appear anywhere in public he got booed outta the building. It was hilarious.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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I always thought that xpac was a good worker. The only problem was that every match was exactly the same. He did the same moves over and over. He also kept using that same lame as bronco buster. If he hasupdated his game, then he might be useful other wise I hope he stays on the independants.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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I'm sure many of you have seen the on-air interviews on youtube or tv about the Benoit murders enough times to make us sick. My question is at this point what do you think of the points made from both sides?

A few things that I know for sure are:

1. The media loves to quickly point fingers, heavily exaggerate the truth, heavily speculate and sometimes flat-out lie.

2. We can not conclude anything until the toxicology reports come in.

3. This sort of thing does not just happen in pro wrestling.

I have heard good points from both sides. (I am referring to the marc mero/Finlay debate on CNN below)

Marc Mero said there needs to be some kind of change. Health care, other benefits like other pro sports get. These sort of things have been attempted in the past in the wwe by jesse Ventura (which he talks about in his book) but supposedly he was double crossed by Hogan (hogan is said to have told Vince about this and vince put a stop to it).

Finlay said that the wrestlers make a lot of money and can easily afford healthcare. This is true, I mean really how hard is it for anyone under WWE contract to afford healthcare.

Mero seems to say that steroids has cost the lives of the 60+ wrestlers on the infamous list.

Finlay said that only 5 were under contract at the time of death, and that those other men made the choice themselves. He says its up to the individual what he does to his/her body.

Mero said that wrestlers are inadvertantly told to take steroids to keep up with the schedule and look big on tv.

Again Finlay says its a choice.

Here is my take.

I have never wrestled the schedule that these guys have had to do so I can't speak on that; however I just do not believe that steroids need to be taken in pro wrestling (I am not denying that they are taken though). I think it is a shortcut that can provide some people with an easier way to cope with stress. Everyone has stress in their lives. Everyone has a choice on how they deal with it. Also one does not need steroids to be big physically; one also does not need to look like Hulk Hogan to be World Champ (ex. HBK, Foley, Sting, Flair, Edge, rey mysterio, ect ect)

For, example, a father with a family of three working 70 hours a week has an incredible amount of stress. Some poeple would turn to drugs or alcohol, some would quit their job, some would cheat on their wives. That is up to the individual. I completely agree with finlay that it is a choice. Brock Lesnar was a huge star and main eventer, he quit because he couldn't take the schedule. GREAT! Good for him, that IMO was the right choice. He decided that it wasn't for him. Its not the end of the world, he has been successful in other ways. (plus he gets to bang sable haha)

There are only 5 wrestlers who have died on WWE watch. The media hates when someone argues against this. Why? If Jerome Bettis died today of heart failure would the NFL be to blame? If so, that is ridiculous. Heart failure can be caused by just about anything, everyone's body is different.

As far as the random drug policy the wwe has, is there a better way to do it? People cheat drug tests all the time and will continue to do so. Benoit was tested in April and was negative, who is to say he didn't take drugs the next day? There is nothing the WWE or anyone can do about that. It is way too outrageously expensive, even for Vince or any other sports league, to test someone everyday.

In conclusion, I agree with mero that something needs to change, but that is basically just pointing the finger. The real question is what can be done instead? There is not an answer to that, people will do what they want regardless of any guidelines that are in place.

Sorry about the rant I was just all fired up.


Supreme Jackass
Dec 5, 2003
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I'm snipping out a lot of stuff here...

Everyone has a choice on how they deal with it. Also one does not need steroids to be big physically; one also does not need to look like Hulk Hogan to be World Champ (ex. HBK, Foley, Sting, Flair, Edge, rey mysterio, ect ect)

For, example, a father with a family of three working 70 hours a week has an incredible amount of stress. Some poeple would turn to drugs or alcohol, some would quit their job, some would cheat on their wives. That is up to the individual. I completely agree with finlay that it is a choice.

Brock Lesnar (plus he gets to bang sable haha)

As far as the random drug policy the wwe has, is there a better way to do it?

In conclusion, I agree with mero that something needs to change, but that is basically just pointing the finger.

In order of the above, before I get onto my own opinions...
--Benoit wasn't that big of a guy. I'm not sure it's accurate/fair to claim *wrestler X* didn't use 'roids because they aren't Hogan-esque in their physique.

--I agree that a choice was made. I think you're the first person I've ever heard use the "stress relief" option of that particular debate though. I can't say I buy into that theory at all, personally.

--I'm not sure making the "hey, I'm nailing Marc Mero's ex!" claim is really something to brag about these days.

--no there isn't a better way, and considering how quick the company has been to distance itself from those whose tests come back positive, I'd say they're doing exactly what they need to be doing. The only thing I'd say is to make the testing a bit more frequent. Steroids are a drug used in cycles. If the tests come between cycles, you're not going to catch anyone. Make them monthly. It'll be harder for the substances to cycle out of the system in that time, and if there are more offenders to find, they'll be found.

I saw Mero and Blackman arguing this same point, and that's all Maro did was point the finger and do his best to not let Blackman reply to what he was saying. While I agree, there does need to be some sort of change made, the question is what change? Unless he has a viable option, Marc should probably shut the hell up. He's coming off as a guy whose bitter because his career crumbled. Blackman, Bill DeMott, (and apparently Finlay) have all hit the interview circuit and threw out the "its a choice" arguement, and they're absolutely right. Is there pressure to make it to "the show"? Absolutely...but if you make the conscious decision to put your success in something other than your own actual physical limits & hard work, then you simply must prepare yourself for the fallout of that decision. If the people around you know about that choice and allow it, then THEY have to bear the brunt of that particular explosion as well.

Does that mean I hold WWE accountable for what happened? Of course not. But I also refuse to believe that nobody knew. Melenko, Scott Norton, Chavo -- those 3 specifically -- I have a hard time believing were in the dark. There are others as well. If people want something to change in wrestling in regards to steroid use, it has to start with the boys. When they start holding one another accountable for their extracirricular activities a little more, then maybe things won't escalate to the point that people are even thinking about debating this kind of thing. Until the wrestlers themselves start getting actively involved in the restriction of drug use amongst them, nothing's going to change, though.


war on drugs veteran
Oct 30, 2004
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Benoit Toxicology Reports released today


- Earlier this afternoon a press conference was held to reveal the toxicology results of the bodies of Chris, Nancy, and Daniel Benoit. Below are the highlights that came from the conference.

It is confirmed that doctors found Hydrocodone and Xanax in the system of Nancy Benoit. The levels were of therapeutic proportions. Nancy had a 0.184 blood alcohol level; however, they are unable to tell if she had drunk alcohol because the blood alcohol level could have been due to the decomposition process of her body.

Daniel Benoit had Xanax at elevated levels in his system. It is their opinion that Daniel was sedated prior to the time he was murdered.

Chris Benoit?s system was positive for Xanax and Hydrocodone. Both were at therapeutic levels. The only steroid found in Benoit?s system was testosterone. It was found in elevated levels which indicate that he was taking it prior to his death.

No evidence of GHB was found in any of the three bodies.

The doctor says that no one really knows if higher levels of testosterone could have caused the erratic behavior. The abnormal range of testosterone in Benoit?s system indicates that he was injecting it.

Daniel?s body was just starting to show signs of decomposition. Due to the small amount of urine they were able to get from his body, they were unable to test for levels of Human Growth Hormone.

The doctor says that the drugs in Nancy Benoit?s body were at therapeutic levels, however, they could have been lower due to the decomposition process. He says that he would not be surprised if she was taking the medications because of previous surgeries and pain. The doctor says that he has no evidence that Nancy was sedated.

The doctor says there was clear evidence Daniel Benoit was sedated before his killing.

He says that there was no evidence of any other illegal steroids in Chris Benoit's body other than testosterone. The testosterone could reveal Chris Benoit was being treated for testicular inefficiency. It was made very clear that they know conclusively that there were no other substances found in Chris Benoit?s body that could have been used for body building purposes.

The most common use for testosterone amongst males in the United States is for testicular inefficiency, the doctor confirms. He says there is no scientific evidence that high levels of testosterone lead to fits of rage.

The doctor re-iterates it would be erroneous to suggest that Nancy?s blood alcohol level was all due to drinking alcohol or due to the body?s decomposition process. It is impossible to tell.


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
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Of course, all i've been hearing today is that Benoit had high levels of steroids in his body. If this report is accurate, which I believe it to be, then all these media outlets are just jumping on this to further the steroid debate, when in fact he had little of the typical steroids in his body. Still, gotta wonder what all that combined in his body did to him, or if it had anything to do with it at all.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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I'm snipping out a lot of stuff here...

In order of the above, before I get onto my own opinions...
--Benoit wasn't that big of a guy. I'm not sure it's accurate/fair to claim *wrestler X* didn't use 'roids because they aren't Hogan-esque in their physique.

--I agree that a choice was made. I think you're the first person I've ever heard use the "stress relief" option of that particular debate though. I can't say I buy into that theory at all, personally.

--I'm not sure making the "hey, I'm nailing Marc Mero's ex!" claim is really something to brag about these days.


When I said that wrestlers don't need to look like Hulk Hogan physically and listed smaller world champs, I meant that you don't have to look like a muscular freak. I am not saying that any of those wrestlers I listed have or have not taken steroids (there is no way to tell for sure) I amjust listing them as examples of World champs that look "normal" compared to someone like Hulk Hogan's physique.

What I mean as a 'stress relief' is that when you do something as physical as wrestling, steroids relieves a lot of stress. When a wrestler is on the road constantly traveling, constantly taking abuse to their body in the ring, and constantly needing to work out to look good on t.v. that is a hell of a lot of stress. What steroids does is make the wrestler not have to work out as strenuous or as frequent. The 'abuse' their bodies take doesn't hurt as bad since their muscles enhance their body so much. The last thing, and most important, that steroids can provide is quicker injury recovery time. That is almost required in wrestling, because time the more time a wrestler takes off from tv the more the fans forget them.

Your Marc Mero comment was classic. I can't exactly figure out what the hell is wrong with his face. Is it an absurd amount of botox? I just saw pics of Sable and she still looks good IMO.


Supreme Jackass
Dec 5, 2003
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Yeah, I dunno what's up with Mero anymore. He said when he debated Blackman that he was dealing with a lot of health problems lately, so maybe that's on the list? *shrug*


war on drugs veteran
Oct 30, 2004
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Former ECW World Tag Team champion George "John Kronus" Caiazo was found dead this afternoon in his New Hampshire home. At this time there are no further details. Kronus underwent a knee operation last week.

RIP Kronus


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
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What do you think about Khali being World Heavyweight Champ?
When I first heard about it I was like Somebody, please, give me a gun and I'll shoot my brain out., but then I realized I'm not that big wrestling fan. Let's be realistic, the guy sucks. Only moves he knows is punch, big boot, smack to the top of the head and that double hand choke slam thing. Fortunately he'll probably loose it soon.


Staff Alumn
Feb 15, 2004
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Khali as chsmp is a big middle finger to all those that actually worked their guts out to get near that belt let alone win it! Anybody else think the dam thing is cursed mysterio had it now injured, batista had it and got injured, edge got it he is now injured! HHH! HBK! also injured. Benoit..? Or am I reading to much into this?


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2007
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It's Official:

After Khali became SmackDown! Champion I officially sto watching WWE on a weekly bases!!!
I'm fed up with the moronic angles and others ...