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Wrestling 2005


The Resident Lady of Leisure
Staff Alumn
Jan 11, 2007
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Wrestling 2010

Welcome to the Wrestling 2010 thread!

So first things first:

Bret is back on RAW this Monday. Think The Hart Dynasty will be a big part of that? Will there be a Bret vs HBK and/or Bret vs McMahon angle?


Exp0sed Board Member
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Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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wow really? they're that desperate?

i stopped watching WWE a while ago because it was getting so bad, not that i was ever a die hard fan to begin with. it will never be like the 90s again. that was the best. vince's biggest mistake was getting rid of his competition.


The Resident Lady of Leisure
Staff Alumn
Jan 11, 2007
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I think the only reason why Vince brought him back as a Guest Host is because Dixie Carter in TNA will have Hulk Hogan on their Jan 4 broadcast. Trying to combat TNA's attempt to dethrone RAW.


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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TNA is in the same position as WCW was in their pre-NWO days. All they need is a big push like WCW got and they could be right up there.


Staff Alumn
Feb 15, 2004
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Hulk could be the guy to do that! Either way this is what we've wanted since WCW died now it may nit be a 'war' yet but I think it will be an unmisable event!

Outlandish prediction of 2010; Robert Roode to be TNA Champion (so
much talent being wasted!)


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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I would love to see Roode be champion. I wrote in the wrestling 2009 section that I thought hbk vs. undertaker will happen and that hbk will be about to win and bret will screw him over and get his revenge. That is probably the cheesy way the wwe will do it.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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HA, good point. All I want out of Bret is one good shoot promo with hunter, hbk, bret and vince in the ring. Then bret can go for all i care if he isnt gonna wrestle.


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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All I know is that both Vince and Bret must be in fucking serious trouble to even consider this. There must be serious shit going on in their lives right now.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2008
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I have to disagree that TNA is in the same position WCW was.

WCW was bought by Ted Turner, a billionaire who could drop a million on "rasslin'" without flinching as long as he felt it was in competent hands. WCW also had the power of Turner's advertising powerhouse behind it.

TNA, at best, is an independent promotion with a television deal. The pockets of Dixie Carter aren't as deep and therefore she has a lot more to lose if things aren't as successful.

As well, you have to consider that even pre-NWO, WCW had a vast following, more than TNA could ever hope to have. TNA has a small niche following. It comes down to casual fans just not knowing or caring about TNA's existence.

Comparing TNA to WCW is laughable. Now comparing them to the original ECW would, in some ways, be more accurate.

So far, TNA has been taking small steps in building their company. While Monday night will be a big night, they have a lot more riding on it than the WWE does on even competing. Hopefully, they don't disappoint. I want them to succeed, but they're still hit or miss with me and they're gonna have to really bring their a-game to keep me for all 3 hours.

And think about this - TNA brags about bringing in Hogan a month ago to build for their show. WWE counters a week before the show with Bret Hart on Raw and the whole internet community is abuzz.

To me, that's like starting a chess game and after your opponent's first move, taking a few minutes to act like you're worried, but then immediately gaining a checkmate, leaving them no way of escape. The game's over in a matter of minutes.

At the end of the day, though, regardless of how TNA does, I can absolutely see Dixie and company saving face and saying that Monday was a huge success.


Senior Member
May 29, 2009
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Can't wait for Bret's return.....it's the only reason i watch wrestling now...Raw and Smackdown are so boring....I buy the PPVs, and i buy DVDs from the 80s and 90s....


Registered User
Dec 27, 2009
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Am I correct in saying that TNA have also got Rob Van Dam lined up for Monday aswell?

Personally, I think WWE should have called in The Rock for Monday night. The Rock would be significantly better than Bret in terms of entertainment value. Bret is a sour man, whose character is so 2D nowadays that it doesn't matter what position you put him in anymore, the Screwjob is all that he will ever be known for (which is a sad thing really, as he has had a lot more to offer).

Due to his insurance claim with Lloyds of London, he can never, ever become physically involved, so we already know before RAW even airs, that he will confront HBK/Vince/HHH, but no matter what is said, no one will hurt anyone (DX VS The Dynasty = Main Event? Bret refs from outside and "screws" DX? Terribly idea, but likely).

The Rock on the other hand, is so upbeat and quick-witted. You can quite literally throw him in the ring or on camera with any other wrestler and he will make a show of that character, plus it also gives an opportunity for some of the older run-ins (ie; bumping into Hurricane "Hamburglar" Helms, and other people). He is truly a hilarious person, as displayed during his Hall Of Fame appearance not too long ago.

The last time we seen The Rock, he stated that he would be guest hosting. It then surfaced on the net the following day, that he would do it in January 2010, so I have no idea why WWE didn't call him in on this crucial night.

Personally, I think it will take a lot more than Hogan to make me tune into TNA. Hogan is not who he once was, and with all the bad media and press coverage he's getting these days, I don't know why TNA went after him in the first place.

Can you imagine how many unknown, athletic wrestlers, or ex-WWE mid-carders TNA could've signed for the same money they're gonna pay to have Hogan there? Crazy move on TNA's part.


Respected Member
Nov 26, 2003
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I've stopped watching.

I will see what's going on Monday night between both companies.

I will start watching again RELIGIOUSLY if they bring back The Rock in any shape or form.

They need The Rock...bad. He should have never left.


war on drugs veteran
Oct 30, 2004
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My damn Digital Cable got shut off so I can only watch one show tonight, wich will be RAW. I like TNA better but Bret Hart in a WWE ring again sounds a helluva lot better than hogan returning.

I just got one question, The forum i used to get them from isn't around anymore,can someone tell me a good place to download Impact?


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
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Last edited:


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2004
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Just watched all five hours of the monday night wars. Wow, I can't believe that I just wrote that. Well, hopefully it is a war. here are some of my

Overall, I have to say that TNA had the far superior show. There were some things that really didn't make sense but that is ok. I didn't understand why Ric Flair walked out during the main event.. and did nothing. I have no idea why they would bring back Orlando Jordan. The guy dressed in all black that disrupted the main event? What is that? I guess they could explain it later but it seemed forced and went no where. Nothing came of Sting looking around (I doubt that sting was the guy in all black) In my opinion, they brought in too many talents that they don't need.

On the good side. The show had a great pace and had me guessing hwat would happen next (I don't read spoilers). Having Hogan's role somewhat ambiguous remains interesting. Foley getting beat down was also interesting. Nasty Boys were funny in 3d locker room (God, I hope they don't wrestle though). bubba the love sponge might bring in some casual viewers. And not to mention an absolutely amazing Angle vs. AJ match.

WWE in my opinion dropped the ball with Bret. HBK and Bret just hug? Bret is gonna feud with Vince? I know the storyline just started but it came off kinda forced and weak to me. Sheamus squashes Evan Borne? The rest was pretty fast forward-able to me.

I'm gonna watch them both one more time tonight but so far I hope TNA gets a good rating because I think they deserve it.


war on drugs veteran
Oct 30, 2004
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I got my cable hooked up in time, I had to watch this night live. I have to agree with nekkid TNA had the better show hands down. I was very disapointed with the whole Bret Hart BS they had, but it was great seeing him in the same ring with HBK again even if they just hugged.

The guy in black has been attacking Styles for about a month now and should be explained at their next PPV I hope.

Overall It was a great night of wrestling, being able to switch back and forth was the best part of the night for me. I misss the good ol days.